
Vistoso Med Spa in Oakville, ON

5 Best Ways to Reduce Body Odour

September 16 2022

Body odour is a very common problem that many people face. It can affect our confidence and make social life challenging. Body odour is caused by sweat and bacteria found on our skin. Here we will provide some of the best ways to reduce body odor.

1. Keep Your Clothes Clean

It is very important to keep your clothes as clean as possible. No matter how much you sweat, you should keep yourself clean and wear fresh clothes daily. One of the best ways to reduce body odour is to change into new clothes once it has become dirty. This will greatly reduce body odour and prevent the issue from becoming severe.

2. Shower Daily

Another important step to take to reduce body odour is by showering daily and using a deodorant soap. One should shower at least once a day and use an appropriate soap to eliminate body odour.

3. Use Antibacterial Soap

Using antibacterial soap can also reduce body odour. This is because these soaps clean our bodies and eliminate the smell. The soap will kill the bacteria that produce strong and unpleasant odours.

4. Update Your Laundry Routine

One of the best ways of reducing body odour is by updating your laundry routine. Be sure to use dryer sheets that are designed to eliminate odour. These sheets will eliminate the unpleasant smell and leave your clothes smelling fresh for extended periods.

5. Use Botox

Botox could change your life if you're sick of using products that can't stop your excessive sweating. Botox, the brand name for botulinum toxin, is an injectable drug best famous for its ability to reduce wrinkles. But it also works well to reduce underarm perspiration. It reduces moisture beneath the arms by 82% to 87%. Dryness usually lasts three to twelve months.

Botox injections are often worthwhile for people who sweat a lot. After treatment, you no longer require more than one shirt each day and can lift your arms without fear. Additionally, sweat rings are no longer concealed by additional layers.

The outcome? You can go about your day in a relaxed, confident, and cool manner. Contact Vistoso Med Spa in Toronto today, book a consultation and get yourself a personal consultation to learn if Botox is right for you.

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